AAUW Naperville Area members and guests gathered at Bolingbrook Country Club on a beautiful spring day, Saturday, May 4, 2024, to honor awardees, install officers, and celebrate branch accomplishments. President Lee Eastman emceed the event.
The branch honored Becky Simon, Naperville activist and president of the League of Women Voters of Illinois, as 2024 Woman of the Year. In her remarks, Simon urged the audience to take action on public policy matters affecting voting and good governance.

Scholarship recipients Maggie Walsh (left) and Diana Rangel (second from right) with scholarship committee members Joan Schaeffer, Alice Snelgrove and Marge Marek
Magda Walsh received the Michael S. Hollman Scholarship and Diana Rangel received the Angeline Gale Scholarship. Each woman received $5,000 to pursue their higher education goals.
Several members were recognized as well. Joan Schaeffer received the 2024 Branch Service Award for her ongoing commitment to AAUW’s mission and her dedicated service as president and scholarship chair. Members Lynn Franger and Elaine Fisher received certificates of appreciation for stepping up to manage branch communications during the absence of the branch’s communications lead.
President Lee Eastman recognized officers, team and group leads, and installed new officers to serve on the board that will be led by Nikki Batsch who assumes branch leadership on July 1.