Saturday, September 14 – Autumn Action and Morning Meetup

Illustration of colorful autumn leaves with announcement about AAUW September event called Autumn Action and Morning Meetup

The kids will be back in school and the weather will be turning. Join us for a refreshing morning of coffee, conversation and light breakfast at DuPage River Park Picnic Shelter, 808 Royce Road, Naperville, from 9:30 – 11:30 AM. There is no charge for this event but RSVPs are appreciated — please email Lee,

Renew friendships and meet our new members. Potential new members are always welcome! We will hear plans for the coming year and AAUW’s nonpartisan focus on engaging and educating voters to turnout in November. At this event we will be writing postcards to encourage people to vote, and Susan Marshall, our I-ACT Chair, will be available to register people to vote in the state of Illinois.