Voter Guide – Spring 2025 Illinois Consolidated Election

Woman holding VOTE letters sign, caption Get ready to vote on April 1, 2025

Voting is both a privilege and a duty but every election cycle many eligible voters fail to vote for reasons that could have been handled by planning ahead.

Please consider your commitments, decide when you want to vote, and decide who you plan to support, up and down the ballot. Illinois makes it easy for voters by offering many ways to make our voices heard through our votes.

The following resources are adapted from information supplied by League of Women Voters of Naperville (LWVN).

Early Voting

Early voting has begun. Between March 17 and March 31, 2025, eligible voters in Illinois may vote in person at selected early voting locations. Select 2025 Consolidated Election from the Election dropdown, and then your county from the Jurisdiction dropdown.

Vote by Mail

If you would like to vote from home, you may request a mail-in ballot from your county. Mail-in ballots may be tracked utilizing BallotTrax to give transparency to the process.

Carefully review the rules for completing and submitting a completed mail-in ballot. Mail-in ballots must be postmarked ON or BEFORE April 1 to be counted. Both counties have secure drop boxes for submitting mail-in ballots if you don’t want to mail your ballot.

Vote In-Person on Election Day April 1

Voting on Election Day? Polls will be open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. on April 1. If you are in line to vote at, or before, 7 p.m., you have the legal right to vote even if your actual ballot marking occurs after 7 p.m.

DuPage County voters can vote at any valid DuPage County polling location on Election Day.

Will County voters must report to their assigned polling location on Election Day OR visit a Vote Center at the Will County Clerk’s Office or the Fountaindale Library.

Where is Your Polling Place?

Not sure where your polling place is located? Follow these links:

DuPage County voters
Will County voters

How Do I Register to Vote?

You have options. Make sure to check your county’s election website to see what forms of ID you will need.

Need More Voting Info? Try These Resources

Forums: LWVN often hosts candidate forums.

VOTE411 Voter Guides: The LWV Nonpartisan National Voter Guide,, is a one-stop resource for learning about candidates and ballot information. You can even see your sample ballot by entering your address. You can then see candidate and referendum info important to you, including candidates’ answers to questions posed by the LWV.

LWVN ( shares Voter Service information about voting including helpful links.