Tag Archives: greatdecisions

Great Decisions 2025 – Discussion Groups Announcement

Are you interested in learning about and discussing U.S. foreign policy? Each year the Foreign Policy Association researches and presents Great Decisions study guides on eight international policy topics of importance to the United States.  AAUW Naperville Area sponsors two Great Decisions study groups, AM and PM. We meet weekly from mid-January through mid-March.

How to Participate

Discussions are open to AAUW and community members. If you signed up at the AAUW Autumn Meetup in September for either the Great Decisions AM group or PM group, you are now on the list for 2025. Anyone else who participated in Great Decisions in the past also will remain on the list.

Briefing Book Pre-Orders

Great Decisions meetings will start in mid-January 2025. On October 7 we will start taking orders for the briefing book we use for discussions. You will receive an email with the approximate cost of the book and other details on that date. We purchase the books in bulk to receive a 20% discount.

Seeking New Leader for Great Decisions PM Group

Do you enjoy the PM group? Please consider taking on the role of facilitator. Becky Glimco, our longtime leader, has many commitments this year and would appreciate a break. Please let Becky, beckyglimco@gmail.com, know if you are interested in taking on this role.

More Info

AAUW Naperville Area Great Decisions groups and topics.

Questions? Please email Lee Eastman, leeeastman44@gmail.com.