AAUW has a long history and position advocating for increasing the number of women in STEM degrees and fields. Research shows, as with other historically male-dominated industries and occupations, the gender gap of women entering and persisting in these fields is one direct cause of the gender wage gap.
Our branch is thrilled to welcome women from the Women in Technology group to our membership! This is a group of women STEM local leaders who have been researching and advocating to increase the number of women in STEM, particularly computer and technology, fields, state wide.
Anne Lee, Bell Labs Fellow; CTO Partner, Technology Strategy and Architecture; Nokia Bell Labs Location Site Leader – Naperville; Office of Nokia Bell Labs CTO, is one of our newest members who is continuing her work to advance women in STEM.
She recently authored this blog post, in honor of International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month, entitled Let’s Put Women Back Into the History Books of Computing.
We are so proud of the work of the Women in Technology Group and our branch is thrilled to help continue this work.