Tag Archives: Immigration

Reflections of a Daughter of Political Refugees: Understanding the Immigration Crisis Through Personal Perspective


This post was written by a member of ALMAS (Alliance of Latinos Motivating Action in the Suburbs)

As the daughter of political refugees who fled Chile in the aftermath of the 1973 coup, I’ve always carried with me a deep understanding of the complexities surrounding immigration. Today, as we witness the unfolding immigration influx in Chicagoland, it’s essential to recognize the role that United States foreign policy has played in destabilizing countries worldwide, forcing many to seek refuge elsewhere. In this personal reflection, I invite you to join me in acknowledging the impact of our nation’s actions on the lives of millions of individuals and families around the globe.

The Human Face of Displacement:

Growing up, I heard the stories of my parents’ journey to safety, their struggles, and their resilience in the face of adversity. Their experiences were shaped by the political turmoil and violence that engulfed Chile following the coup. As I look at the faces of today’s immigrants, I see echoes of my parents’ journey—a quest for safety, opportunity, and a better future for their children.

Acknowledging U.S. Foreign Policy:

It’s impossible to discuss the immigration crisis without addressing the role of United States foreign policy in contributing to the destabilization of countries of origin. From military interventions to economic exploitation, our nation’s actions have often fueled conflict, poverty, and oppression in regions across the globe. The repercussions of these policies are felt by millions who are forced to flee their homes for safety and security.

A Call for Compassion and Accountability:

As a nation built by immigrants, we have a moral obligation to extend compassion and support to those fleeing violence and persecution. We must also hold ourselves accountable for the consequences of our foreign policy decisions and work towards solutions that address the root causes of displacement. This includes advocating for diplomatic solutions, supporting humanitarian aid efforts, and promoting policies that uphold the rights and dignity of all individuals, regardless of their immigration status.

In sharing my perspective, I hope to foster empathy and understanding towards those impacted by the immigration crisis. By acknowledging the role of United States foreign policy in contributing to destabilizing countries of origin, we can take meaningful steps towards building a more just and compassionate world for all. Together, let us stand in solidarity with refugees and immigrants, honoring their resilience and humanity in the face of adversity. There are several tangible actions all concerned residents can take to support migrants who have been arriving from Texas because of their current immigration policies:

Volunteer with Local Organizations: 

Many organizations in the region provide direct support and services to migrants. Consider volunteering your time and skills with organizations such as refugee resettlement agencies, immigrant advocacy groups, or community centers that aid asylum seekers and newcomers. 

Spanish Community Center is a great place to consider volunteering for. They provide an affordable childcare program, a food pantry, housing counseling, social services, and immigration services.

Donate Supplies: 

Organizations supporting migrants often rely on donations of essential items such as clothing, toiletries, diapers, and non-perishable food items. Consider organizing a donation drive or contributing to existing drives to provide much-needed supplies to migrants.

Refugee Community Connection is an all-volunteer Chicago-based mutual aid organization that seeks to ease the transition of our newly arrived neighbors.

Advocate for Policy Change: 

Get involved in advocacy efforts to support policies that uphold the rights and dignity of migrants. Contact your elected representatives to express your support for humane immigration policies and urge them to take action to address the root causes of migration.

Govtrack.us contains information on bills, resolutions, and legislators.

Provide Legal Assistance: 

Migrants may require legal assistance to navigate the immigration system and access necessary services. Consider volunteering with legal aid organizations or pro bono legal clinics that provide legal support to migrants.

Click the link for volunteering information for Metropolitan Family Services.

Support Mental Health Services: 

The journey and resettlement process can be traumatic for migrants, leading to mental health challenges. Support organizations that offer mental health services and counseling to migrants or consider volunteering your time as a mental health professional.

Educate Yourself and Others: 

Take the time to educate yourself and others about the realities of migration, including the reasons why people are forced to leave their homes and the challenges they face during their journey. Use your knowledge to dispel myths and stereotypes about migrants and advocate for empathy and understanding.

Listen to this wbur report on how immigration is helping the US labor market.

Engage in Cultural Exchange: 

Foster cross-cultural understanding and solidarity by participating in cultural exchange programs or initiatives that bring together migrants and members of the local community.

Choose Chicago has a diverse list of upcoming events which include cultural events.

Support Economic Integration: 

Help support the economic integration of migrants by patronizing businesses owned or operated by migrants, advocating for policies that promote inclusive economic opportunities, and supporting job training and entrepreneurship programs for migrants.

Consider visiting these immigrant-owned businesses on editorial photographer, Jonathan Michael Castillo’s site.

Stay Informed and Stay Engaged: 

Stay informed about developments related to migration and continue to stay engaged in efforts to support migrants and advocate for policies that promote justice and equality for all.

Bookmark this link tree for more information on ALMAS public statement regarding new arrivals and asylum seekers, ongoing initiatives for new arrivals and asylum seekers, and more education and information.


By taking these tangible actions, we can play a meaningful role in supporting migrants and contribute to building more inclusive and compassionate communities for all.

April 24: Beyond Borders Forum on New Immigrants

Wednesday, April 24, 2024, 6:30 p.m. Naperville Municipal Center
Beyond Borders: A Forum on New Arrivals and Asylum Seekers

Photo of a group of people who appear to be new immigrants or asylum seekersALMAS (Alliance for Latinos Motivating Action in the Suburbs) and Indivisible Naperville have come together to host Beyond Borders, a community conversation aimed at fostering education, raising awareness, and facilitating open dialogue. This event provides a platform for a discussion among leaders and experts to address the complex challenges faced by new arrivals and asylum seekers. The panel is designed to enhance understanding and support within suburban settings and promote actionable solutions for attendees. In an era of significant global movement, understanding the experiences and challenges faced by new arrivals and asylum seekers is crucial for fostering inclusive communities. AAUW Naperville Area is a sponsor for this event.

This event is free, but requires registration, which you can do here. This is a private meeting and no unauthorized recording is allowed. This event is nonpartisan, refraining from taking positions on political candidates and respecting diverse opinions.